Windows 10 Activation Guide

This is how to download, install, and activate Windows 10 Home, Pro, and Pro for Workstations.

  1. Download Windows 10

    If you’re not already running Windows 10, you can download it via the ISO:

  2. Install Windows 10

    Run the downloaded ISO file and follow the on-screen instructions to go through the install.

  3. Activate Windows 10

    In the Windows Search Bar type in “Activation settings” and hit enter. This will load the activation window showing which Windows 11 Edition you have installed and its activation status.

    Under the “Change product key” row, click the “Change” button.

    A window will open asking you to “Enter a product key“, type or paste in your 25-character Windows 11 key and click “Next“.

    Back on the Activation window, your Windows Edition and activation status will update to reflect.